Our Venue Needed A Damp Specialist

One of our favourite venues in Edinburgh recently underwent some major property preservation due to the face that this old building was starting to show signs of damp in the lower levels. With any old building, damp is always a very real concern, and with a large venue such as this one, damp can appear in localised areas that can be hard to spot and diagnose. We wanted to shed some light on what a damp specialist does so that others might be able to avoid this serious problem.

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What Do Damp Specialists Do?

Damp specialists have a very special job to do. This is because most dampness is not dangerous and usually does not require any sort of special treatment in order to fix it. However, if you have read lots of guides to various types of damp but still cannot figure out where your damp actually is coming from, then you need some specialist advice from an independent damp expert, damp specialist contractor, building surveyor or damp repair specialist.

The reason why damp specialists are important is that they are often able to determine the exact cause of the damp. This allows them to then fix the source of the damp and therefore the problems at hand.

A lot of people don’t realise that damp that is sitting on your ceiling for a couple of weeks is much more serious than one that has been there for a few years. Damp can develop into a mould which is incredibly harmful. It also poses a health risk to anyone who is around it and inhales it, as mould can contain potentially toxic spores.

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Getting Rid Of Damp

Damp is also caused by a build up of moisture, and this is a problem that can be very hard to deal with. Most building professionals suggest that you should make sure that you leave a gap of three feet between the roof of your property and any other buildings. You should also try and make sure that your gutters are working correctly. If your guttering is clogged, then you will find it difficult to effectively clear away rainwater.

If you want to know how to get rid of damp, then you have to understand that you are dealing with different things depending on what kind of amp you have. In most cases, if you have damp on the ceiling, then your main problem is condensation on your plasterwork, and not water damage. If you have damp on your carpet and rug, then you may have an issue with a water leak. If you have moisture on the walls of your property, then you probably have mold on your wall or a leaky pipe.

Damp is a problem that all home owners have to deal with, but the key to how to solve damp is to deal with the source of the damp. If your problem is a build up of water on your walls, then you need to get a professional to inspect your home and determine what the issue is. Once you have the right type of solution, then you will never have to deal with damp again!